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Board of Trustees


Maria Lombardo, Ed.D., Newton Center, MA

Vice Chairman

Current Trustees

Cynthia Butler-McIntyre, New Orleans, LA
Warren G. Hioki, Ph.D., Henderson, NV
Kimberly A. Owens*, Avondale, AZ
Ronald B. Rapoport, Ph.D., Williamsburg, VA
Sima F. Sarrafan, Bellevue, WA

Trustee Emeriti

Jason E. Allen, Lansing, MI
Rosalyn Queen Alonso*, Flemington, WV
Maria P. Aristigueta, Ph.D., Newark, DE
Arun Bhumitra, Torrance, CA
Salvador Diaz-Verson Jr., Columbus, GA
Valentino F. DiGiorgio, III, Malvern, PA
Gerard D. DiMarco, Rochester, NY
William S. Gates, Phoenix, AZ
E. Gordon Gee, Ph.D., Columbus, OH
Robert J. Glovitz*, Scottsdale, AZ
James H. Herring, Canton, MS
John H. Kuhnle, Ph.D., Washington, DC
A. Michael Perry, Huntington, WV
John C. Pierce, Ph.D., Portland, OR
Paul S. Polo, Sr., Manchester, CT
Curtis A. Prins, Middleburg, VA
John Salamone, Mt. Holly, VA
Joyce Savocchio, Erie, PA
Peter C. Schaumber, Washington, DC
Lynda H. Scribante, Sanibel, FL
William A. Seavey, San Francisco, CA
Thomas K. Thomas, East Peoria, IL
M. Joyce Van Schaack, Laguna Niguel, CA
Anthony C. Wisniewski, Annapolis, MD

Executive Director - Judith M. Shellenberger

Founder - The late Honorable Frank Annunzio, Chicago, IL

*Former Chairpersons